performance evaLUATION - PRO future II

Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE II) conducted a mid-term performance evaluation of the Trust, Understanding and Responsibility for the Future Activity (PRO-Future II) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which focused on examining the experiences and opinions of a relevant but diverse subset of PRO-Future (II) stakeholders, beneficiaries, implementing partners (IPs), and related documentation and records. The evaluation assessed the activity''''s progress towards expected outcomes and the effectiveness of its interventions. MEASURE II’s team provided recommendations to USAID/BiH regarding potential future funding decisions and program design in trust and reconciliation building in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The evaluation addressed the following questions:

1) What outcomes have PRO-Future II''''s key influencers (politicians, religious leaders, media) achieved in promoting inter-ethnic reconciliation?

1a. What outcomes has PRO-Future II achieved through interventions fostering regional dialogue?

2) What outcomes has PRO-Future II achieved in terms of changing inter-ethnic attitudes and behaviors among supported citizens, particularly among youth and students?

3) To what extent have the PRO-Future II small grant programs contributed to peacebuilding?


The evaluation team employed a rigorous mixed-methods design including an extensive desk review of the relevant activity documentation and secondary data sources, analysis of key informant interviews (KIIs), and focus group discussions (FGDs), as well as five online surveys and one phone survey. To develop credible findings and derive conclusions and recommendations, the evaluation team triangulated data among different sources to cross-validate data and capture different dimensions of the researched questions.

Evaluation methodology, detailed findings, and recommendations, as well as data collection instruments used for the evaluation, are all provided in the final report available below. 


(click on the image to download the file)