In October 2018 MEASURE-BiH will host Prof. Tessie Catsambas to lead the workshop on Recent Trends in Evaluation. Prof. Catsambas is a President Elect of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) for 2018, Associate Director of Business Development and Outreach for The Evaluators’ Institute (TEI), and founder and CEO/CFO of EnCompass LLC, an organization that provides services in evaluation, learning, leadership and organizational development. She was also a founding member of the EvalPartners Coalition, a global initiative to promote the use of evaluation to inform policy and program decisions. Prof. Catsambas brings 30 years’ experience in planning, evaluation and organizational development. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from the College of Wooster in Ohio and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Harvard University. The workshop she will lead in Sarajevo is designed as a proactive two-hour workshop that will cover policy-relevant evaluations and methods and competences required for conducting such evaluations. The workshop will take place on October 1, 2018.