In March 2018 MEASURE-BiH organized 25th training course within its Research Fellows Program. The course on Qualitative Data Analysis took place on March 26 and 27, 2018 in Sarajevo. The course was led by Patricia Rogers from RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Australia and TEI (The Evaluators’ Institute).
Dr. Rogers has more than 30 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation of government and non-government programs, and in addition to teaching Public Sector Evaluation at RMIT University, she is also leader of the research program in Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in the Sustainable Health and Well-Being Research Institute at RMIT University. She received several prestigious awards, including: American Evaluation Association’s Myrdal Award for Evaluation Practice, Australasian Evaluation Society’s (AES) Evaluation Training and Services Award, AES Caulley-Tulloch Prize for Pioneering Literature in Evaluation, and AES Best Evaluation Study Award for her work and outstanding contribution to the development of the evaluation society.
Detailed course description is available here.