REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Performance Evaluation of the 2010-2013 USAID/BiH Development Grants Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina

USAID Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE-BiH)

Contracting Entity: IMPAQ International, LLC


USAID MEASURE-BiH invites research organizations in BiH to submit proposals for designing and conducting high-quality performance evaluation of the 2010-2013 USAID/BiH Development Grants Program (DGP) awards in BiH. 

MEASURE-BiH, implemented by IMPAQ International, LLC, is a USAID-funded Activity focused on technical, analytic, advisory, training, monitoring, evaluation, and related program evaluation and social science research capacity building for USAID/BiH. MEASURE-BiH will fund the design and implementation of this performance evaluation of the 2010-2013 DGP awards and will also provide technical guidance and supervision to ensure high-quality evaluation process in all evaluation stages. 

Our goal in procuring this evaluation is to build local organizational capacity in rigorous performance evaluation in BiH and build a body of evidence from rigorously evaluated programs that can inform decision-making and increase effectiveness of development programs. 


Key assumption behind the design of the USAID’s Development Grants Program was that by expanding USAID’s NGO network of development partners and providing capacity building support to the new partners through supporting initiatives and mechanisms, USAID would enable a wider range of partners to better meet their beneficiaries’ needs and contribute to development outcomes. Increased capacity of local NGOs (LNGOs) was envisaged to benefit organizational and programmatic sustainability and DGP awards supported the objective of USAID in increasing partnership opportunities for LNGOs. 

The 2010-2013 USAID/BiH DGP was awarded to six BiH LNGOs: 
1. Association Centre for Development and Support (CRP) for Capacity Building of Agriculture Business on Drought Adaptation in BiH, award in the amount of $306,364, implemented from September 2010 to March 2012. The purpose of the program was to increase the capacity of agricultural sector to adapt to droughts that occurred as a result of climate change. It provided technical assistance not provided by the fragmented government support measures to farmers from northeast BiH to increase their yield, reduce production loses, and increase competitiveness. 

The intervention was to provide at least 10,000 farmers with the opportunity to apply adaptive solutions, using the possibilities of drought adaptation measures adopted by relevant entity, cantonal, or local government. Specific interventions envisaged in the design included training, group-sessions, roundtables, joint study visits, practical testing of technical solutions, as well as the work with government officials at various levels of government responsible to deal with drought issues in northeast BiH. The intervention targeted farmers from northeast BiH, the most populated region in BiH with the largest percentage of arable land. Involving women was an important focus of this intervention. 

2. Fruit Grower Association for Fostering Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas by Improving Competitiveness and Market Potential in BiH, award in the amount of $1,408,251, implemented from April 2011 to March 2012. The purpose was to promote Integrated Pest Management and GLOBALGAP standardization, point to the importance and necessity of certification for primary agricultural production, and promote joint appearance on the market.

This intervention was designed to increase competitiveness of the fruit and vegetable sector in the northwestern area of BiH through improving the fruit and vegetable production, enhancing income generation on farms in the target region, and fostering the institutional development of Fruit Grower Association "Integralna proizvodnja voca” and Cooperative "PZ Voce i Povrce Krajine”. The design envisaged this intervention to include around 300 farms in the target region over three years and provide them with advisory service and product certification, so that their products are linked to the Cooperative (program partner) for processing, marketing, and sales. Around 1,500 and 1,800 individuals were to directly benefit from the intervention through higher income. Specific interventions envisaged in the design included workshops, field demonstrations, surveys, promoting high quality products, providing storage and transportations services, etc.  The primary target beneficiary group were fruit and vegetable producers in the northwestern BiH (Banja Luka, Gradiska, Prijedor, Kozarska, Dubica, Novi Grad, Kostajnica, Srbac and Laktasi), the secondary target beneficiary group were fruit and vegetables consumers who benefitted by having access to quality and safe products, while the tertiary beneficiary target group was overall agriculture sector of BiH which benefitted by increased agricultural production. 

3. Microcredit Foundation MI-BOSPO Tuzla for Establishment of Women’s Business Network in BiH, award in the amount of $1,510,929, implemented from September 2010 to September 2013. The purpose of the Activity was to establish Women’s Business Network (WBN) through systematic approach to development and support to women’s entrepreneurship, in order to detect problems and obstacles to women entrepreneurship and employment and provide solutions. 

The WBN was designed to provide a platform for members (including at least 2,400 women entrepreneurs who were clients of MI-BOSPO at the time of intervention design) to increase market connections, improve access to finance, obtain relevant education, and receive adequate advocacy tools to ensure gender equality in business-enabling environment. The intervention aimed to support women-led business in urban (40%) and rural (60%) area, supporting women to manage their enterprises and farms, to improve their abilities to deal with business risks, and to improve their financial management abilities. Specific interventions envisaged in the design included joint marketing/promotional actions, providing market connections, improving financial services and access to those services, business mentoring, training programs, etc. Targeted geographic areas of network development were areas covered by MI-BOSPO’s offices, 25 offices in more than 70 municipalities. 

4. Mozaik Foundation for Women Empowering through Farming in BiH, award in the amount of $1,992,929, implemented from October 2010 to September 2013. The purpose of the program was to fight poverty and social exclusion by enabling and accelerating economic development of rural population through the creation of a market driven, business like model capable of long term sustainable growth. It contributed to creation of sustainable livelihood in rural areas of BiH and decrease in migrations through establishment of social enterprise. The intervention facilitated reconciliation process between Bosniak and Serb communities and promoted good agricultural practices in farming (GAP) and preservation of bio-diversity in BiH. 

The intervention was designed to provide opportunity for more than 100 women (affecting more than 300 family members) to generate income, improve their self-esteem and economic well-being, and compensate for their work at market prices. Specific interventions envisaged in the design included ensuring technical preconditions for organic herb production, trainings, producing herbs and selling dried or distillated into essential oils, exploring market, developing marketing plans, signing contracts with buyers, media promoting, reaching out to governments and local authorities, etc. Targeted municipalities were Sekovici, Osmaci, and Zivinice.  

5. Citizens’ Association Nešto Više for Agriculture–Agribusiness Microenterprise Development in BiH, award in the amount of $887,624, implemented from September 2013 to September 2016. The purpose of the intervention was to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural-agribusiness sector in Herzegovina region to effectively compete in market economy. 

This intervention was designed to strengthen the capacity of 1,500 farmers in 10 municipalities of Herzegovina to implement good agricultural practices farming techniques (GAP), undertake drought adaptation measures, and increase diversity of agricultural production, while 425 persons (farmers and unemployed youth and rural women) would receive practical training in modern agricultural practices and be placed in internships and volunteering programs. Specific interventions envisaged in the design included technical assistance to MSMEs, farmers, and cooperatives in introducing HACCP and GLOBALGAP standards, end-market needs consultancy, and consultancy in product design and packaging; collection and dissemination to stakeholders of data about education and employment, fruit and vegetables sector’s vulnerability to droughts, inventory of processing industries and infrastructure, availability of agricultural land for rent, etc.; and establishment of an Agribusiness Centre for Professional Development in Mostar composed of a Training Center Unit, a Mobile Agribusiness Counseling Unit, and an experimental land site for practical education. An important part of the implementation was the involvement of women and youth through delivery of agribusiness training, soft-skills training, training for start-up microenterprises, and internship and volunteer opportunities in local companies and the experimental land site.

6. Partner Microcredit Foundation (Partner MCF) for Solar energy as the future of sustainable development, award in the amount of $1,016,110, implemented from July 2011 to July 2016. The purpose of the intervention was to increase local production of solar collectors and ultimately increase the usage of solar collectors and/or other alternative sources of energy, through raising awareness on importance of using alternative energy sources. The intervention was to establish the value chain of producers and consumers and provide technical assistance and financial support to the producers, as well as loan disbursement for the clients. Also a key activity was a media campaign targeting the general public in order to raise awareness about the importance and benefits of using alternative energy sources. 

Specific interventions envisaged in the design included providing education and financial support to 20 micro and small enterprises to become completely operational and capable to self-sufficiently produce good-quality solar collectors, as well as identifying at least 200 potential customers that express interest in purchasing solar collectors and/or other services/alternative energy products through a loan from Partner MCF. The intervention targeted micro and small enterprises and households and was operational on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


This performance evaluation needs to examine the following evaluation questions:

What was the nature of Mission outreach to LNGOs? Had the Mission worked with the implementing LNGOs prior to these 2010-2013 DGP awards and if yes, what was the nature of that work?  

  1. What is the Mission’s current relationship, if any, with the LNGOs that implemented these DGP awards?
  2. What impact, if any, did these DGP awards have on the Mission’s ability to partner directly with nontraditional partners in BiH?
  3. How was the work of the implementing LNGOs of these six interventions under the 2010-2013 DGP awards perceived and valued by beneficiaries?
  4. To what extent has the partnership with USAID strengthened or otherwise changed the capacity of these six LNGOs?  Are these former DGP grantees sustaining their development efforts and if yes, how? 
  5. What, if any, challenges have the implementing LNGOs faced in meeting USAID program requirements and what are the key lessons learned for any potential similar future initiatives in BiH or globally?
Technical Design and Approach (to be specified by the applicants in Evaluation Design Memo)
Proposed Evaluation Team''''s Qualifications
Proposed Cost

All the above listed items need to be specified by the applicants in the submitted proposals.


  1. Evaluation Design Memo. Within their proposals, the applicants need to submit a proposed Evaluation Design specifying proposed research methods and data sources to be used to answer each evaluation question. Proposals should also include proposed timeline for conducting the evaluation (including the timeline of steps 2-6 listed below), the proposed Evaluation Team members, and the proposed budget summary. 
  2. Evaluation Work Plan. The selected applicant will prepare and submit to MEASURE-BiH Evaluation Work Plan that includes background information on the interventions that are being evaluated, evaluation stakeholders and proposed dissemination plan, detailed evaluation design including details on data collection and analyses and exact data collection instruments, evaluation limitations, and detailed evaluation timeline including exact data collection schedule.
  3. Conducting Evaluation. The selected applicant will, upon the approval of the Evaluation Work Plan by USAID/BiH, conduct the evaluation, including data collection and data analysis. 
  4. Draft Evaluation Report. The selected applicant will, upon completion of data collection and data analysis, prepare and submit to MEASURE-BiH Draft Evaluation Report using USAID template and criteria for evaluation reports. 
  5. Presentation of Evaluation Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations to USAID/BiH, upon addressing MEASURE-BiH’s comments on the Draft Evaluation Report.  
  6. Final Evaluation Report. The selected applicant (Contractor) will, upon receiving comments on Draft Evaluation Report from MEASURE-BiH and USAID/BiH, prepare and submit to MEASURE-BiH the Final Evaluation Report. 


The Contractor''''s Project Manager (PM) will communicate weekly with MEASURE-BiH on all activities.  The PM will also send a weekly progress report.  The PM will also report weekly on any timeline issues and approaches to stay on schedule.


  • Proposal will include an Evaluation Design Memo in maximum length of 10 pages (not counting appendices, attached examples, or CVs) and will be in English language;
  • The proposal, as noted above, should include specifying proposed research methods and data sources to be used to answer each evaluation question; proposed timeline for conducting the evaluation; and the proposed Evaluation Team Members (the proposal needs to specify which of the Evaluation Team members will be the Evaluation Team Leader);
  • Recent examples of similar activities carried out; 
  • One sample of a report written by the proposed Evaluation Team Leader (in English) and preferably also sample written reports written by each Evaluation Team Member (preferred sample reports include journal papers or reports on previously conducted evaluations);
  • Financial proposal (budget summary) detailing itemized fees for: labor and allowances, travel, administration and management, and other costs (which need to be explained in detail);
  • Description of the key personnel who will manage and implement the task (CVs in Appendix). Master’s degree in business/economics or other relevant field is a minimum for all Evaluation Team Members, PhD is preferred. 
Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope by May 26nd, 2017, 5 pm local time to the address: 

USAID Projekat podrske monitoringu i evaluaciji (MEASURE-BiH)
Fra. Anđela Zvizdovića 1
UNITIC Tower B, Floor 21
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Additionally, an identical PDF application should be submitted electronically on May 26th, 2017 to the email address, with the following text in the Subject line: APPLICATION TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE 2010-2013 USAID/BiH DEVELOPMENT GRANTS PROGRAM IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

Please direct all queries to:  
Naida Carsimamovic Vukotic


Issuance of this RFP does not constitute an award commitment on the part of USAID MEASURE-BiH or USAID, nor does it commit USAID MEASURE-BiH or USAID to pay cost incurred in the submission of proposals. 

Nothing in this document shall be construed as an offer by USAID MEASURE-BiH or USAID and no terms, discussions or proposals shall be binding on either party prior to execution of a definitive agreement. USAID MEASURE-BiH reserves the right to accept or reject any offer in part or full or to cancel the procurement without any obligation to any offeror.