MEASURE-BiH Organized a Conference “A Country for the Young? – Researching the Future of BiH”

On September 27, 2019, MEASURE-BiH hosted the conference "A Country for the Young? – Researching the Future of BiH”. The conference marked the successful completion of the MEASURE I Activity. Conference also served as a mean for presenting results of a number of studies conducted within MEASURE-BiH’s Research Fellows Program. The studies focused on issues and challenges faced by youth in BiH and covered various topics, including corruption, economic activity, employment, entrepreneurship, and civic participation. 

The conference was opened by Nancy J. Eslick, Director of USAID Mission to BiH. In addition, Edin Forto, Prime Minister of the Sarajevo Canton, Meldina Kokorovic-Jukan, Dean at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tuzla, and Dario Jovanovic, Director of the Coalition "Pod lupom”, addressed the participants.


During her introductory speech, USAID Mission Director acknowledged 29 MEASURE-BiH Research Fellows who were certified by The Evaluators’ Institute from the Claremont Graduate University. The Mission Director also highlighted the importance of monitoring and evaluation for assessing the impact of public policies, draft legislation, and proposed solutions for the challenges facing BiH.

The conference included three panel discussions on the challenges facing the youth in BiH. The panel topics were: 

  • Corruption, low quality of services, and emigration of youth from BiH;
  • Labor market and prospects for youth employment in BiH; and
  • Entrepreneurial intentions and opportunities in BiH.

The conference was attended by government officials, representatives of international community, academia, NGO sector, USAID and its implementing partners. The conference gained substantive media attention. Photos below showcase some of the atmosphere from the event.