Fifteen New Researchers Became MEASURE-BiH Research Fellows, After First Group of Fellows Whose Training Started in 2015 Received Certificates in Evaluation Practice

After awarding the Certificates in Evaluation Practice of the Evaluators’ Institute (TEI) from Claremont Graduate University to the first group of its Research Fellows who have successfully fulfilled certificate requirements (attending 30 full days of TEI training) in May, MEASURE-BiH accepted an additional small group of local researchers into MEASURE-BiH Fellows Program in June. As a result, 15 new researchers became our Research Fellows. MEASURE-BiH will continue providing training courses as part of its Research Fellows Program and efforts to build rigorous social science research and monitoring and evaluation capacity in BiH with goal to elevate a culture of evidence-based policy and decision making in BiH. More information about the MEASURE-BiH Research Fellows Program is available here