With BiH Local Election Day approaching on October 2, 2016, researchers from USAID/BiH Monitoring and Evaluation Activity (MEASURE-BiH) released preliminary findings from "Difference in Development Priorities of Male versus Female Politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a study funded by the USAID Democracy, Rights and Governance (DRG) Center, specifically the Elections and Political Processes (EPP) Fund. Using data from surveys of BiH municipal/city party boards and political candidates for the municipality/city councils/assemblies from six parties in 19 municipalities/cities across BiH, the |
study found that there is no significant difference between what male and female politicians identified as their top five development priorities and that business environment improvement for job creation is by far the most frequent development priority for both male and female candidates. The study also revealed that female candidates’ priorities and their ranking differ more from their party’s official development priorities and ranking compared to male candidates. Meanwhile, candidates’ priorities and ranking differ more from the parties’ official development priorities in FBiH than in RS. |