Instructor: Gary T. Henry (The Evaluators Institute (TEI)) Time: 8/12/2017 and 18/01/2019
Description: Careful use of sampling methods can save resources and often increase the validity of evaluation findings. Hence, the course focused on the following: 1) The Basics: defining sample, sampling and validity, probability and non-probability samples, and when not to sample; 2) Error and Sampling: study logic and sources of error, target population and sampling frame; 3) Probability Sampling Methods: simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and multi-stage sampling; 4) Making Choices before, during, and after sampling; and 5) Power Analysis for Sample Size Determinations for Causal Inference. Due to an increased interest of Research Fellows for the sampling methods topic, this course was provided twice under the MEASURE-BiH Research Fellows Program, in December 2017 and January 2019.