Call for expression of interest for Individual consultants for USAID MEASURE II evaluation, assessment and research support in October 2021 – September 2022

USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity II (MEASURE II) is a five-year activity launched in September 2019. It is an extension of the MEASURE-BiH project, which evaluated USAID’s development programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. MEASURE II continues to provide USAID and its implementing partners with on-demand evaluation, assessment, and research support.

In FY2022, MEASURE II is seeking to enhance its roster of experts in the following program areas: information and communication technology (ICT) and e-governance, criminal justice and processing of corruption cases, CSOs and anti-corruption; election systems and governance processes; media transparency; survey management and administration; and program evaluation.

Call for applications:

We are looking for expressions of interest from consultants, with subject-matter expertise in one or more of the following key areas: 
-ICT and e-governance, including but not limited to geographic network coverage, network performance, internet bandwith, telecom market, e-government, e-commerce, digital trade, and financial technology;
-small grants management, business development and SMEs;
-criminal law, prosecution and adjudication of corruption and organized crime cases, and/or prevention of corruption in judicial institutions
-anti-corruption laws and policies, CSO capacity for fight against corruption, and fostering civic and political activism;
-media, access to unbiased information, investigative journalism, shaping public perception and awareness;
-BiH electoral system, voter behavior, improving women and youth voter turnout;
-survey management and administration, developing and testing data collection instruments, quantitative data analysis, reporting
-program evaluation in accordance with USAID standards (

General scope of work to be performed:

Selected consultants will work on the following tasks: 
-contributing to development of a research work plan
-providing methodological/subject-matter orientation training to members of the research team
-conducting a literature review
-developing data collection instruments
-conducting data collection (i.e. through key informant interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and other techniques)
-performing quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis
-preparing and/or delivering presentations of research findings
-preparing research reports
-drafting answers to comments received on the draft research report 
-preparing the final research report, and
-addressing comments and finalizing the research report

The selected consultants will work independently or as part of a research team with one or more additional consultants. The work of the research team will be supported and supervised by MEASURE II staff. 

The contract of each individual consultant involved in the research will determine their precise scope of work, deliverables and reporting requirements. The consultants will be required to produce deliverables that meet high quality standards and strict deadlines in each phase of the research. 

General timeframe for performance of work:

Work in the above listed areas is expected to begin in at some point between October 2021 and September 2022, with the exact timing depending on receipt of an official task order from USAID/BiH. Short-listed candidates will be contacted regarding next steps in the selection process as soon as the task order request is received.

Formal requirements:


Master’s Degree (at a minimum) in social sciences, ICT, economics, law, monitoring and evaluation, development studies or a related subject-matter field.


-For consultants - subject-matter experts: the candidate should have a minimum of ten (10) years of work experience in the sector(s) relevant for the particular research in BiH and proven recognition of subject-matter expertise and research skills.

-For consultants - research (technical) experts: the candidate should have experience in a minimum of two (2) evaluations and/or assessments conducted for USG agencies (including evaluation of local policies/programs conducted with support of USG funds), preferably as a lead/co-lead or five (5) years of experience in survey administration and management.

-For all consultants: The candidates must have a proven record of effective data collection with high-ranking government officials, relevant business sector representatives, media and/or NGOs/CSOs.

-The candidates must be fluent in English, with the ability to produce well-written reports and demonstrated analytical and communication skills.

In addition:

-The candidates should have a sound understanding of and firm commitment to USAID’s mandate and values.

-BiH citizenship is required.

Application process:

This call is open for 30 days. Early applications are preferred, as some tasks could be initiated within this deadline.

In this phase, interested consultants should submit their application packages, which will include:

1. Curriculum Vita (CV)

2. Reference list with three references (name, phone, e-mail) 

3. Two pieces of written work authored by the applicant, which demonstrate the consultant’s methodological approach, analytical and drafting skill, and/or relevant subject-matter expertise. These can be provided as attachments with the application or as links to documents.

Application packages should be submitted to

Depending on the type of consultancy that is being applied for, the title of e-mail should read:

"Consultant service offer - ”, and note technical or subject-matter expert.

If shortlisted, candidates will have to submit additional documents and information. MEASURE II will invite shortlisted candidates for an interview, which will include a short verification of English writing skills. The selected candidates will be included on a MEASURE II roster for other upcoming research in FY2021 and beyond.

MEASURE II retains the right to cancel the procurement for candidates in any phase and without obligation to offer justification at any stage before the contract is signed.

Please, no telephone or e-mail inquiries.