Call for expression of interest for Individual Consultants for USAID MEASURE II evaluation, assessment, and research support in October 2023 – September 2024 Expression of Interest No. C-01/23
Issuance Date: October 9, 2023
Closing date/time: 30 days after publishing, 2023
USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity II (MEASURE II) is a five-year activity launched in September 2019. MEASURE II continues to provide USAID and its implementing partners with on-demand evaluation, assessment, and research support.
Call for applications:
We are looking for expressions of interest from consultants with subject-matter expertise in one or more of the following key areas:
General scope of work to be performed:
Selected consultants will work on some or all of the following tasks:
The selected consultants will work independently or as part of a MEASURE II research team. The work of the research team will be supported and supervised by MEASURE II staff.
The contract of each individual consultant involved in the research will determine their precise scope of work, deliverables, and reporting requirements. The consultants will be required to produce deliverables that meet high quality standards and strict deadlines in each phase of the research.
General timeframe for performance of work:
Work in the above listed areas is expected to begin at some point between November 2023 and August 2024, with the exact timing depending on receipt of an official task order from USAID/BiH. Short-listed candidates will be contacted regarding next steps in the selection process as soon as the task order request is received. |
Formal requirements:
Master’s Degree (at a minimum) in social sciences, information and communication technologies (ICT), economics, law, electrical engineering, monitoring, evaluation, and learning, development studies, or a related subject-matter field.
In addition:
Application process:
This call is open for 30 days from the issuance date of this announcement. Early applications are preferred, as some tasks could be initiated before the deadline.
In this phase, interested consultants should submit their application packages, which will include:
Application packages should be submitted to
Depending on the type of consultancy that is being applied for, the title of e-mail should read:
"Consultant service offer - ” and note "subject-matter” or "program evaluation” expert. Applicants may submit separate applications for both subject-matter expert and program evaluation positions.
If shortlisted, candidates will have to submit additional documents and information. This request does not represent a commitment on behalf of either MEASURE II or USAID. MEASURE II will not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation of a proposal in response to this request. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited for an interview.
MEASURE II retains the right to cancel the procurement for candidates in any phase and without obligation to offer justification at any stage before the contract is signed.
No telephone or e-mail inquiries, please.
Disclaimer and protection clauses:
This EOI is not intended to result in the direct issuance of a contract
MEASURE II may cancel this request for expression of interest
MEASURE II may reject any or all responses
MEASURE II reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on the offerors failure to follow EOI instructions
MEASURE II will not compensate offerors for response to this EOI
MEASURE II may choose to award only part of the activities in the EOI, or issue multiple awards based on this EOI activities
MEASURE II may request short-listed offerors to pass a second or third round of oral presentation or provide a written submission in response to a more specific and detailed statement of work.